
Just a gift

Just a present for you! Just a gift are gifts that you have to give to your loved one, acquaintances or other loved ones for no reason. You show that you are thinking of them, appreciate their efforts, or that you are glad they are in your life. Because we thank our loved ones far too little and just a gift is unexpected, which makes the surprise all the greater.

Personalize your gift just like that

Personalize your just like that gift with a loving message, congratulations or with a message that you are thinking of them. Because a thank you comes unexpectedly, the recipient is all the happier at the reception. We have a wide range of random gifts, such as a wellness package, men's package with measuring tape or something delicious in the sense of a chocolate chip cookie. It should be clear that there is something for everyone. After you have made the choice what you want to send, you will be given the choice to personalize the packaging. Give the gift something extra by personalizing it.

Own production

We have our own production line, which allows us to keep communication short and clear. But we can also deliver the gifts quickly. All you have to do is put together the gift and we will take care of the rest. We will send the gift to the relevant address and you will receive all the compliments. Who would not want that?

Did you know…?

Did you know that thanking an acquaintance, loved one also has a psychological reason? To indicate a situation: suppose you need someone with knowledge for a renovation. He's doing his very best. Because you express your appreciation with our just gift, the person in question feels seen and the chances are very high if you ask him or her again in the future that they will say yes. Don't you thank them. Then we dare to bet that the person will no longer help you in the future. And you want to prevent that!