

Unique and personalised gifts for every occasion!

  • Mailbox business
  • Letterbox gift
  • Wedding
  • Gifts
  • Colleague gifts
  • Communion
  • Party
  • Birth
  • Christmas gift
  • Mothers Day
  • Easter gifts
  • Sinterklaas gift
  • Father's Day gift
  • Valentine's Day
  • Birthday Gifts
  • Businesses
  • Just because

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Personalized gifts

Showing gratitude has been appreciated for centuries. Whether you want to give something special to a friend, family member, colleague or important person in your life, a personalised gift speaks volumes about your appreciation. At Thnx, we understand the power of these gestures and have put together a unique selection of thank yous and gifts perfect for any occasion.

Whether it's an anniversary, a wedding, a birthday or just an everyday moment of appreciation, our collection of gifts offers something for everyone. We compile our gifts especially for you, so you are sure to find something that perfectly suits your special 'thank you' moment.

At Thnx, we believe in the power of personalisation. Our thank yous and gifts can be personalised with text (such as your own name(s), a date and a personal message) and images (such as a fun photo or company logo) making your gesture of gratitude a lasting memory. Discover our diverse range of gifts, including a well-stocked candy jar, a delicious Toblerone bar and various unique letterbox gifts.

We understand that appreciation can be expressed in different ways, which is why we offer gifts in three different sizes. For instance, we have small thank-you gifts suitable for a large group of people, thank-you gifts suitable for specific group and large gifts to put singles in the limelight. That way, you can strike your own balance between subtlety and great appreciation.

Besides our range of traditional gifts, we at Thnx also strive for sustainability. Therefore, we also offer sustainable thank-you gifts in the form of a weck jar filled with sowing tablets and flower seeds. You can choose from a variety of flower seeds, so you can personalise this gift completely to your liking.


We at THNX don't just deliver personalised gifts, we make sure the recipient is put in the limelight. On our website, the gift can be fully composed, starting from as little as 1 piece. The thanks, the packaging and the wrapper around the box are personalised with your own text and a design of your choice. Everything is therefore tailor-made: a unique experience for the recipient! The great thing about everything THNX produces: all concepts are made by hand. In addition, the production is under 1 roof with the corresponding office, so you are assured of fast delivery.